Welcome to NYC’s Spookiest Halloween Party


Prepare to be enthralled by an unparalleled evening of electronic dance music, as we present to you Twilight Harbor, the most substantial Halloween EDM event in New York City. This extraordinary event is set to unfold on October 27-28, 2023, within the historic confines of the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Spanning an impressive 104,000 square feet, the venue will serve as the canvas for an immersive audiovisual experience of monumental proportions.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Where will Twilight Harbor take place?

Twilight Harbor is scheduled to take place on October 27 and 28, 2023, within the expansive confines of the Brooklyn Navy Yard in Building 293. Entrance and car service will be on 569 Kent Ave, Brookyn, NY.

Do I have to be COVID-19 vaccinated to participate?

At present time all New York State and New York City Covid-19 event restrictions and mandates have been removed. We will continue to follow all local, state, and federal mandates should something change.

What are some safe practices I can use at the party?

Kindly ensure your well-being and remain vigilant for those in your vicinity. Should you come across anyone stumbling, falling, or experiencing overheating, or if you encounter someone requiring medical aid, rehydration, or simply a supportive gesture, I encourage you to maintain a positive atmosphere and extend a helping hand to those who may require assistance

Where do I buy tickets or request VIP tables?

To secure their attendance at this extraordinary affair, attendees are advised to acquire their tickets promptly, as availability is limited on get-in.com/en/ignitegroup. For VIP table requests, please contact Skydeck@nebulanewyork.com

Can I transfer my ticket to someone else if I can't attend the event?

In most cases, tickets can be transferred to another person if you are unable to attend the event. Please contact our customer support or visit our ticketing website for instructions on how to transfer your ticket to someone else.

What items are allowed at the festival?